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What's The Difference Between These Social Media Platforms?

What's The Difference Between These Social Media Platforms?

Learn the differences between the most widely-used social media channels and which platforms can benefit your organization’s business goals.

Mastering Customer Intent: Two Parts alt text

Mastering Customer Intent: Two Parts

How do you, as a business owner or a chief marketing officer, ensure your company is going to be able to give the customer what they need when they need it? You first must understand the visitor's true intent.…

20 Years

This May (2017) Aztek turned twenty years old.Twen-ty.I know, I know. There are companies that are much older so big deal, right? Yeah, but most of them aren't web design (and development, and digital…

Selecting A Smart Domain Name for SEO Purposes

One of the first important decisions when building/launching a new website is the selection of a domain name. Domain names are a very valuable part of a business and its web presence. What most people…

What is Google Authority and Why Do I Need to Know?

"I need to be on the first page of Google", "How can I get to #1 on Google", "I need to improve my natural rankings"- these are all comments and questions that I hear on a very regular basis. Many…

Three Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid

Most companies, both large and small, invest a large amount of time and money into improving and maintaining their natural search engine visibility and rankings. After all of this effort and…