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How to Integrate Act-On Software and Microsoft Dynamics CRM

How to Integrate Act-On Software and Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Integrating Act-On Software and Microsoft Dynamics can be easy if it's properly planned for. Find out how to prepare and integrate!

5 Useful Google Analytics Reports alt text

5 Useful Google Analytics Reports

Did you know Google Analytics has standard reports that track useful business data without additional setup? We share some of our favorite reports and the questions they answer about your website.…

Web Design 101 - Key Terminology and Concepts alt text

Web Design 101 - Key Terminology and Concepts

Are you about to start a website redesign project with a web design agency or freelancer but you're not a web designer yourself? There's a good chance you're about to be confronted by a lot of new…

How Do You Measure Digital Marketing ROI? alt text

How Do You Measure Digital Marketing ROI?

Whether your organization is just getting started with digital marketing or has been running digital marketing campaigns for years, one of the biggest challenges is calculating your return on investment.…

8 Benefits of Social Media for Your Business alt text

8 Benefits of Social Media for Your Business

If you aren’t utilizing a variety of social media marketing benefits to build your business, we’re here to get you on the bandwagon. Over 3 billion people throughout the world are utilizing social…

10 Tips for Creating a Social Media Strategy alt text

10 Tips for Creating a Social Media Strategy

Social media is a beast that can’t be ignored, and it's safe to say that the same old approach may not last forever. When revamping or creating a new social media strategy for your business, here are…

6 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid alt text

6 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid

It’s not easy to market your brand on social media. With high volumes of content shared every minute, challenging algorithm updates and the pressure to make your brand stand out, it can be easy to…

A Better Way to Create Content: Core Model Workshop alt text

A Better Way to Create Content: Core Model Workshop

Aztek is always looking for new ways to improve our process and make content creation easier. Recently our team started using the Core Model Workshop. This workshop is designed to help narrow down…

Shifting from Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing

More and more, Aztek is working with clients that shift some or all of their traditional marketing and advertising budgets to digital marketing. Obviously, the massive technology shift from…